At AMIS Exchange, we want to make it as easy as possible for new AMIS subscribers to start lending, borrowing, trading, transferring without compromising on security end to end. The Amis Dex On-chain Order Book solves the problem faced by most decentralized exchanges nowadays: centralized Order Book. On the contrary...
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Wallet Management in Decentralized Apps
Making it easy for clients to get started sending transactions
This post was originally written by Kieran Elby for a project he has since shut down. We have made some small modifications to reference as AMIS Exchange would not exist otherwise, but almost all credit for this article belongs to Kieran.
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How AMIS Exchange compares to other exchanges
This post was originally written by Kieran Elby for a project he has since shut down. We have made some small modifications to reference as AMIS Exchange would not exist otherwise, but almost all credit for this article belongs to Kieran.
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Maintaining an Order Book on the Blockchain (Part 1)
Introducing the price bitmap technique used to help match orders entirely on-chain
This post was originally written by Kieran Elby for a project he has since shut down. We have made some small modifications to reference as AMIS Exchange would not exist otherwise, but all credit for this article belongs to Kieran.
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